Your Fostering Panel

At Tutis Foster Care, we understand that the idea of a Fostering panel may be a daunting one, that's why we are here to support you every step of the way.
What is a Fostering Panel?
The foster care panel is a legal process, which is governed by Fostering Legislation and guidance, this helps us, as an agency to decide whether to approve you as a foster carer.
Along with our various checks and references, the fostering panel gives us (and our panel members) the opportunity to get to know you as a person or couple. The panel will be given all the information that has been collated about you during the assessment process, and from this the Panel members will ask you a range of questions, including your reasons for wanting to foster. None of the questions are 'to catch you out', they are purely there to glean a better understanding of who you are and why you wish to foster.
The process can feel daunting, but we make sure you're properly prepared in the months leading up to your panel date. you will be given the date of your panel in the early stages of the assessment process, along with a leaflet which outlines the process to you in detail. You will also have plenty of time to prepare with your Assessing Social Worker.

Who sits on a Fostering Panel?
Sitting in a room in front of people you don't know can seem quite pressured and daunting, but the majority of people who have attended Panel report that it was far less daunting than they thought it would be.
According to the Fostering Regulations, the panel members must include a Panel Chair, Vice Chair and a Social Worker. However, there will be at least 3 other panel members present, who have professional or personal experiences in fostering and childcare. For example, your panel may also include foster carers, paediatric professionals or a person who has previously been fostered themselves. Others that will be present are a Panel Advisor, your Assessing Social Worker and the Panel Administrator.

What kind of Questions will I be asked?
Before your panel, your panel members will have read your Form F assessment and will know a good deal about your personal circumstances and lifestyle, meaning they will be able to tailor the interview to suit you as an individual.
You can check out our list of example fostering panel questions to learn about the types of things you’ll be asked.

There’s plenty to prepare for when it comes to your fostering panel – but your outfit shouldn’t be one of them! Many people worry about what to wear to fostering panel.
However, we recommend people wear whatever they feel most comfortable in. While it’s always good to make a great first impression, your panel members won’t be judging you on your clothing, but rather your ability to provide excellent care for a child or young person.
What should I wear to my Fostering Panel?

What Happens after my Fostering Panel?
Following your panel, an official recommendation about your suitability for fostering will be made by the Panel Chair.
This recommendation will be based on whether the panel think you will be able to meet the needs of a child placed in your care and is crucial in deciding whether you should be approved as a foster carer.
A recommendation will also be made about the terms of your approval. This means the panel will recommend what type of fostering placements you can offer, the age range of the children you care for, and the number of children you can care for at once.
After the panel have made their recommendation, your application will be passed on to our Agency Decision Maker (ADM). The ADM’s role involves ensuring that our children’s safety and wellbeing remain the top priority, and they will have the final say in whether you are approved as a foster carer. They may have a few additional questions for you or your fostering panel before making the decision to approve you as a foster carer.
Should the ADM agree with the panel’s recommendation, you’ll be approved as a Tutis foster carer! You’re now ready to be to receive your first fostering match
, and begin your work transforming the life of a vulnerable child or young person.

Alternatively, to find out more about how to become a foster parent with Compass, get in touch with us today to request your free digital brochure.