Your Fostering Panel

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At Tutis Foster Care, we understand that the idea of a Fostering panel may be a daunting one, that's why we are here to support you every step of the way.

 What is a Fostering Panel?

The foster care panel is a legal process, which is governed by Fostering Legislation and guidance, this helps us, as an agency to decide whether to approve you as a foster carer.

Along with our various checks and references, the fostering panel gives us (and our panel members) the opportunity to get to know you as a person or couple.  The panel will be given all the information that has been collated about you during the assessment process, and from this the Panel members will ask you a range of questions, including your reasons for wanting to foster.  None of the questions are 'to catch you out', they are purely there to glean a better understanding of who you are and why you wish to foster.

The process can feel daunting, but we make sure you're properly prepared in the months leading up to your panel date.  you will be given the date of your panel in the early stages of the assessment process, along with a leaflet which outlines the process to you in detail.  You will also have plenty of time to prepare with your Assessing Social Worker.